Whether it is to visit immuno-compromised relatives, to travel abroad or for your peace of mind, coronavirus tests can still be used to establish whether or not a person suffers from COVID-19. Our COVID Kits enable a person to test for COVID-19 comfortably in their own home or workplace and respond accordingly before having or performing procedures.
For example, anaesthetics should only be used on a patient if they are well, or if they have mild symptoms of cold or flu. Have a look at our Anesthetics range for the different anaesthetics on offer, and always whether it can be administered to people with mild symptoms of illness before use.
Frequently Asked Questions
C: Control
T: Test
Negative result: One line next to the control line (C) shows that the test has a negative result, which means you are unlikely to be infected.
Void: No lines, or one line next to the test line (T) means that the test has not worked. You will need to take this test again for a valid and reliable result.
Positive Result: Two lines on both the control line (C) and the test line (T), even if the lines are faint, mean that you are likely to be infected. You must report this result to the NHS.
Revolve Medicare offers a government approved LFT (lateral flow test). This also comes with a certificate to prove that you have had a test and are safe to travel. You should receive your certificate within 2 hours of registering your details.
Revolve Medicare offers a rapid antigen self-test kit for £9.99, since they are no longer free on the NHS. The kit contains 1 test.
A fit to fly test is a test that you do yourself by using a nasal swab to collect a sample from the back of your nose.
Results are usually instant, and a certificate can be issued within 6 hours, depending on the provider.
There is no difference between an antigen test and a lateral flow test. They both use the same technology to detect the proteins or antigens that are present in a person’s bodily fluids.
Once you scan the QR code on a lateral flow test, it will take you to the reporting page on gov.uk. This is to enable you to report that you have taken a lateral flow test and for you to submit your result, whether it be positive, negative or void.
No, a lateral test flow cannot detect whether a person is pregnant or not. If someone thinks that they may be pregnant, they should take a pregnancy test.
Follow the below steps to scan a QR code for a lateral flow test:
1) Use the camera on your phone and hover over the QR code. If this fails to work, you should download and install a QR code reader on your smartphone. However, if you do not need to download an app on your smart phone, open the QR code reader. Then, hold your phone’s camera over the QR code so that it is visible on your phone screen.
2) Some smartphones will automatically read the QR code and take you to the website, but some will need you press a button/tap the screen in order to take a picture.
For a lateral flow test, you will normally need between 2-4. The amount of drops can depend on the brand you are using, so always read the instructions before doing a test.
The NHS recommends at least 2 drops.
Lateral flow tests have an accuracy rate of at least 99.97%.
Fewer than 3 in every 10,000 tests will result in a false positive.
To report your result from a lateral flow test, scan the QR code on the lateral flow test. It should take you to the reporting page; however, if you do not have a device that scans QR codes, go straight to the reporting website.
Your results should be reported, whether the result is positive, negative or void.
As covid vaccines do not contain live ingredients, they should not affect your results from a lateral flow test.
An LFT (lateral flow test) should take around 2 minutes to do.
You should receive the results from the test within 10 to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the test is inaccurate and unreliable.
If your result is positive after taking a lateral flow test, then there will be a line on both the control line (C) and the test line (T). Even if the lines are faint, this is still classed as a positive result.
If you are ensure on your result, always take a second test.